Switch Nutrition
13 products
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13 products
Our natural range of supplements has been designed purely for selfish reasons... we wanted these products in our lives on the daily... so we created them WHAT WE STAND FOR SCIENCE-BASED FORMULAS. This doesn’t just mean quoting studies to sound smart. The sciences of nutrition, genetics, and biochemistry are still in their infancy. But waiting on the sidelines for some magical day when researchers finally just “get it” would be silly. Instead, we’re committed to getting in the game! We won’t just be up-to-speed with the literature; we also want to conduct the studies themselves. Our aim is to partner with research institutions to study things like how Switch NutritionTM products affect physical and mental performance and well-being. We currently Betatest all our products in average people and elite athletes. That’s the only way to produce products that are not only good on paper, but also prove their worth in the real World. It’s not just about looking great, it’s about feeling great. It’s not just about kickin’ ass in your workouts, but kickin’ ass in life.